View Profile TheBoyWithATail

2 Movie Reviews w/ Response

All 6 Reviews


The movie was okay, and i think you can do better but you got a 5 from me because of the tenacious D, otherwise known as the best band in the world, track at the end. Its fucking ka-choas

Knox responds:

alright...thank god for tenacious d then

Why do you have to be a jerk Uncle Nuisance

Uncle nuisance, there is no reason to be such an asshole about people asking where your cartoon is. There is no explanation on the page, but you keep patronizing and insulting people when they write to ask what happened. Yeah im sure its annoying to have all these people keep saying "its a stupid cartoon," and "whats with the floating dog", but all you had to do was answer just one and to tell them where they could see it, but instead you decided to call people dickweeds. I know your going to probably call me a dickweed for writing this, but I just dont think anybody wants to be insulted. I thank you for reading this and hope you retract all your comments, especially the one about 15 year olds, because I am a 15 year old and it obvious that probably half the people watching your cartoons would be 15 year olds.

Uncle-nuisance responds:

Uncle Nuisance is mad, Johnny. Real mad. But, you're right you kind voice of reason you. There are two reasons I call people dickweeds and waterheaded retards. 1: I'm tired of getting reviews that call me a racist, gay, asshole, jackoff, butt fuck, etc. When all I was trying to do was entertain a few folks. 2: It's fun to flip the coin and shoot back.

You're my new favorite 15 year old. You've saved their tarnished image with your wise words.

I hope you enjoy my new upcoming cartoon, coming out in a couple of months called stoney and the gang. Hopefully it will become a monthly thing

George Hearn @TheBoyWithATail

Age 36, Male


southern hell hole

Columbia, SC

Joined on 2/9/03

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